Everyone knows that maven-release-plugin is a little bit intrusive when it comes to keep a clean git commit history.

I have searched for a long time for clean ways to handle that correctly.

The more I thought about this problematic the more I convinced myself that versioning (meaning keeping history) IS the role of the SCM and that version naming of artifacts (in the sense of Semantic versioning) should be extracted/calculated from the SCM without polluting the SCM history.

Hopefully, GIT provides a very clean way to give a commit a good “version” useable for distribution ; it is git describe.

Getting version out of the SCM

Using the following command: git describe --tags --always --dirty=-dirty

Having the following history

$ git log  --graph --abbrev-commit --format=format:'%h - %s%d'
* 2dc72d0 - apply new version scheme for maven-external-version-plugin usage (HEAD)
* b740eee - add project to source control (tag: 1.0, origin/master)

you will get as output of git describe --tags --always --dirty=-dirty:

 ^  ^    ^
 |  |    |- - - -  commit ID (if not on a commit with a tag)
 |  |- - - - - - - number of commits ahead of last found tag (if not on a commit with a tag)
 |- - - - - - - -  value of closest tag found in history, starting from current branch

or if the current checkout points to a commit that has a tag, like the following:

$ git log  --graph --abbrev-commit --format=format:'%h - %s%d'
* 57d5893 - ignore automatic generated file for maven-external-version execution (HEAD -> master, tag: 1.1)
* 2dc72d0 - apply new version scheme for maven-external-version-plugin usage
* b740eee - add project to source control (tag: 1.0, origin/master)

you will get 1.1 as a result

$ git describe --tags --always --dirty=-dirty

Maven integration

Now that we know that we just have to tag our git project to have a meaningfull version for our maven project we still have to find a way to use that computed version as our maven POM version.

For that, we can use maven-external-version plugin.

So now by adding the mugin to your POM

you can call mvn install -Dexternal.version=$(git describe --tags --always --dirty=-dirty)

$ mvn clean install -Dexternal.version=$(git describe --tags --always --dirty=-dirty)
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] About to change project version in reactor.
[INFO] component: org.apache.maven.version.strategy.SystemPropertyStrategy@1a1da881
[INFO] Updating project.build.finalName: fxweb-1.0-1-g2dc72d0
[INFO] new version added to map: com.agfa.apps:fxweb:0.0: 1.0-1-g2dc72d0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building fxweb 1.0-1-g2dc72d0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ fxweb ---
[INFO] Installing D:\dev\projects\agfa\samples\fxweb\target\fxweb-1.0-1-g2dc72d0.jar to d:\dev\mlr\com\agfa\apps\fxweb\1.0-1-g2dc72d0\fxweb-1.0-1-g2dc72d0.jar
[INFO] Installing D:\dev\projects\agfa\samples\fxweb\target\dependency-reduced-pom.xml to d:\dev\mlr\com\agfa\apps\fxweb\1.0-1-g2dc72d0\fxweb-1.0-1-g2dc72d0.pom
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3.531 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-04-14T12:13:06+02:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 18M/214M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

And now?

Now I think I will fork maven-external-version in order to provide another version strategy that will automatically calculate the version using JGIT so that you will not have to provide any additional arguments to your maven build.